

作者:CY2019-11-08 13:28:21       来源 :创意手游整理
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死亡如风,常伴吾身。 "Death is like the wind; always by my side."

长路漫漫,唯剑作伴。 "A sword's poor company for a long road."

吾之荣耀,离别已久。 "My honor left a long time ago."

明日安在,无人能允。 "No-one is promised tomorrow."

且随疾风前行,身后亦须留心。 "Follow the wind, but watch your back."

此剑之势,愈斩愈烈。 "This blade never gets any lighter."

仁义道德,也是一种奢侈。 "Virtue is no more than a luxury."

灭亡之路,短的超乎你的想象。 "The road to ruin is shorter than you think."

无罪之人,方可安睡。"Sleep is for the guiltless."

正义,好个冠冕堂皇之词。 "Justice. That's a pretty word."

回首往昔,更进一步.."Hmph. One step ahead of the past."

吾虽浪迹天涯,却未迷失本心。""A wanderer isn't always lost.

我还在寻找回家的路。 "Just looking for a road home."

不可久留于一处。 "Never could stay in one place."

我将遵循此道,直至终结。"I will follow this path until the end."

荣耀存于心,而非流于形。"Honor is in the heart, not the name."

吾之初心,永世不忘。 "I will not forget who I am."

这个故事还没有完结。 "This story is not yet finished."

树叶的一生,只是为了归根吧? "Is a leaf's only purpose to fall?"

汝欲赴死,易如反掌。 "Hmph dying's the easy part.

人们一直在往我的剑上撞。"People keep running into my blade."

我会给你个痛快的!"I'll give you the easy way out."

蠢货是无药可治的! "No cure for fools."

想杀我?你可以试试。"Kill me? You can try."

死亡而已!没什么大不了的。 "It's just death. Nothing serious."

速战速决吧!"Make it quick."

还是别出招了,反正是我赢。 "Don't start what I'll finish."

想独自平静一会吗?很快你就可以了。 "At peace with yourself? You will be."

有些事绝对不会无趣。 "Some things never dull."

有些失误无法犯两次。 "Some mistakes you can't make twice."

我不会怀着耻辱而死!"I will not die dishonored."

别再逃了。 "No more running."

我命由我,不由天。 "I alone decide my fate."

一剑,一念。"One blade, one purpose."

还没到死的时候。 "It is not yet time to die."

亚索把他的酒瓶扔向空中并用他的剑接住。" Yasuo tosses his flask into the air and catches it on his sword. "

我的剑,比什么都重要,除了美酒。"The blade above all things... except a good drink."

谁说我酒量不好的? "Who says I can't handle my drink?"

生命中有三件必经之事:荣誉、死亡、还有宿醉。 "There are three certainties in life: honor, death, and hangovers."

不是你死,就是我亡! "There is only death... mine, or yours!"

如果你要来杀我,希望你把朋友们也带上。"If you've come to kill me... I hope you brought friends."

杀人是种恶习,但我似乎戒不掉了。 "Killing people is a bad habit... but I can't seem to quit."





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